Tuesday 11 November 2008

.. Cro0Ss MeDiaA StuDy ..

AnalySis Of Scary Movie 4 The Trailer ...

This genre of this film is a comedy which goes by the theme of Spoof as it mocks other films. The 3 films that it does mock are: The Village, The Grudge And Saw. The opening of this trailer begins with showing the city in which this film is situated in. By doing this is enables us as the audience to know where the setting is therefore in some form interact with what happens in the film and who may be casting in it. It then has a thunder sound which shows non diegetic sound as it suits the environment that it's in. This non diegetic sound could connote the fact that something bad may occur later on in the trailer, however it shows a ipod which is enlarged to emphasise the fact that this movie is a comedy as this wouldn't happen in real life. Close up shots of the characters in the film show their expressions therefore we can relate to how they feel and we can understand more about the situation that they are in.

At certain points of the trailer, the music is very rapid which shows the fact that it is building up tension, this would attract the audience as they would want to know why this tension is occuring. The generic conventions of this film is horror but it is made out to into a comedy through the mocking. Diegetic sounds are also being played throughout this trailer such as the background music as wel as non diegetic sound's such as the screaming of the characters and the thunder sound etc.

The trailer is then sectioned into 3 to portray the 3 films that they are trying to mock such as the village, the grudge and saw. The reason that they are doing this is in aim to appeal to it's target audience as this film is a spoof. One of the ways in which comedy is shown in the trailer, is when the president has recieved information about the attack on USA. To make it funny the directors have made the actor playing the president not care about the attack buy more concerned with the childrens's storybook which a child is reading, this emphasises what current people think of the US president

The primary audience for this film is for teens and adults and the secondary audience that may watch this film are elderly people who are into comedy/science-fiction etc.

Analysis of The Kevin Bishop Show

The Kevin Bishop Show goes along the theme of Spoof so does Scary Movie 4. Kevin Bishop basically mocks other individuals such as Gordon Ramsay Etc. However in this clip which i have inserted it mocks the film Beatle Juice. At the same time this show is funny due to the fact of how it is presented. The fact that in this Clip it has chairs moving and someone running into the Kitchen with a ghost outfit it looks unrealistic which makes the audience have a reaction. Similarly, the 2 characters in the show gives us comedy due to the fact of how they react when all this is occuring. And when the person in disguise comes out of the costume and reveals that he's the presenter of this show the 2 characters laugh their way through it.

Kevin Bishop basically satarises other shows, so he plays around with the famous characters into normal ordinary people like himself. This all relates to the theme of spoof as he interprets other films and people and mocks them and turns it into comedy.

Monday 3 November 2008

Evaluations !!!


Attainment - 3
Effort - 2 Because i pay attention in class and i get class work done as well as having fun
Punctuality - 1 - i have always been on time =)
Submission and quality of homework - 3 - although i do the work it may not always be up to a high standard which i will now sort out =)
Ability to work independently - 2 - i work well independantly aswel however i may start to talk to others
Quality of writing - 2
Organisation of Media folder - 2 - i have books for 2 of my lessons and Mr Bush's lesson is more of a discussion class =) and Blogspot work
Oral contributions in class - 1 - i always have something to say =)

Targets - To stay focus in every lesson and try to participate as much as i can. Another is to do homework to the best of my ability !!!!


How well is the course organised? - 2 - at the moment the course it quite organised as i know what i am learning and i also know what the course requires etc.
How interesting is the content that is covered? - 3/4 - because i get bored of learning the background research on everything however i know that it is required of us to know it.
How useful are the handouts? - 2 - the handouts i've recieved so far are good, i haven't got that many.
Have the lessons been well-paced? - 3 - yes they have been, however it has taken long to get to the coursework .. but we're finally on it =)
What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? - 1 - they are mighty clever i must say =)
How well has the course met your expectations? - 3 - due to having to know all the background knowledge!!! .. However once the Coursework starts should push up to 1 =)
Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.) - 1 - yes as i got to see what previous years have done aswel as knowing that after a levels media doesnt have to stop .. i can carry on
Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? - 2 - yes it has been.

x . * YouTube CLiP * . x